Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What To Do When Your Client Forgets to Pay You

I found this great article on Freelance Switch that might be useful for Vas like you and me. It gives beneficial advice on what to do when your clients forget to pay you. There are a number of pleasant ways to ask for your pay without offending your clients.

First, always, always send that invoice. If your agreement with your clients involves sending invoices regularly then you better follow suit. Forgetting to send that invoice could spell T-R-O-U-B-L-E for you. So this makes a whole lot of sense to me.

To be honest, I’ve had my share of trouble of this sort. I never got paid even after sending an invoice for three straight months. This brings me to the next piece of advice. Check your contract. Allow me to paraphrase this in a way that gives you the power to go after runaway clients.

Always, always have an iron-clad contract ready each time you start working with a new client. Remember, VA work means you call half the shots. You don’t have a boss looking over your shoulder or Human Resources officers watching your back.

You are your own boss so you better fill those shoes and fast. Make sure you and your client have a written contract that protects the interest of both parties, including the terms for your pay.

And if you already have that iron-clad contract ready, be sure to check it from time to time in case you may have forgotten the time period involved in your regular paycheck. I read from the article that clients may change the contract from time to time so be sure you’re in the loop. Check your contract and confirm if you’ve got things straight.

Perhaps the best and most sensible piece of advice is this – Be patient. In all areas of my life, I realize now that being patient pays... and I don’t mean that in the monetary sense. Patience is a virtue that everyone must have, especially Virtual Assistants.

Working patiently on one task while you do other tasks at the same time, a skill also known as multi-tasking involves the kind of patience that I had to acquire the hard way. Now I realize that it is an all-important virtue and from experience, it’s the best one there is, for anyone or any kind of work for that matter. Always be patient.

As for the rest of the article, I invite you to click here to find out more about how to get paid and what to do when you don’t receive your salary. Do you have your own advice to share? Be sure to leave your sage advice in the comments section. Thank you!

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