Sunday, August 14, 2011

There's No Playing Around with Google Adsense

I just discovered something absolutely embarrassing today. I've been getting penalized by Google Adsense because I used a picture from the Internet for which I don't have ownership rights. I did not pay for the image or anything. Now I understand why my Adsense earnings has been going down even though my sites' visitors have been going up.

I've been blogging on and off for a couple of years now on my all-time favorite Gratitude Journal and I've been earning Adsense credits from it. I've been torn about this one too cuz I felt guilty earning off a blog that talks about God and his goodness. With that aside, I was amazed when I checked my Adsense reports today and I discovered that using just any picture from the Internet is a big NO-NO. It's kind of the same as plagiarism. Anything you don't own, you should steer clear from. At least, that's my big lesson for the day.

And so as I stifle a big yawn, I realized 2 things today -- first, images and words on the Internet may appear to be free for all but it's NOT. Second, that nothing is ever FREE in this world. And so I crawl into bed, content in the knowledge that I learned something valuable today. Never use anything you don't own or have a right over. Intellectual property rights also applies to the Internet. And Google had to be the one to teach me that lesson.

And that is one of the reasons why I love my job. I write for a living and I have fun while I'm at it. I have to remind myself of that reality everyday because sometimes I forget to thank God for giving me such a blessed life, for which I'm eternally grateful. I love blogging. Good night and God bless! :)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

SEO Trainers Unveil Latest SEO Training

Are you ready to embark on your home based business? Would you like to work from home full-time and finally quit that job that keeps you chained to a desk all day or all night long? Are you finally ready to spend time with your family and get as much R&R as you deserve?

If you answered a resounding "Yes!" to any or all of these questions, then YOU are exactly the person we're looking for. Learn the basics of home based work, how Virtual Assistants get things done, and discover the SEO secrets that experts dare not share with anyone.

Watch the latest SEO Training unfold this September. Book a seat now at and join us on all 4 Saturdays of September from 1pm-4pm and master the art of Search Engine Optimization. Improve your current skill set and add this to your resume -- SEO expert. Now isn't that something worth your time?

Join my partner, Mark and I as we unfold the magical world of home based work and spill the SEO secrets that you've all been waiting for. See you in September! Register now at

You may also share your comments and leave your questions here. Thank you and God bless!

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